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Is Pass The Aux w Knice & Phresher The New Wave?


Everybody talks about how there’s no unity or camaraderie in the NYC music scene but Knice of The Sonics & Phresher are determined to bury that narrative. On April 16, there was a packed house of creatives & entrepreneurs from all over the New York. While our city is known to be a little rough around the edges, it was obvious this nights them was love. Phresher constantly reminding the crowd, using his famous slogan “Show Love, Get Love”. Something many of us often forget. Each time Phresher chanted this statement, the crowd responded with great favor.

Emerging Artists like Diany Dior, Steph G, Miya V, Mo Dubb & 400HazeMoney truly showed up & showed out. Personalities like DistrictofNY, producer JayBFrosty and others were in attendance as well and fully enjoying the scenery. So, next time you hear someone say “there’s no unity in NYC”, ask them if they’ve ever popped out to Knice & Phresher’s PassTheAux.



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