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Meet Fashionista, Sunny Lee

Hailing from NYC, it is sort of inevitable that hustle become apart of you. Sunny Lee, stylist and owner of boutique Love Sunny is a hardworking hustler who is determined to make her mark in the fashion industry.

LMCC - What made you want to launch "Love Sunny"?

Sunny - Back in 2015, although I was working I made an extra $2,000 with a side hustle. I then decided to get all my business documents and invest $1,500 into my brand. I always told my friends what to wear so I thought a boutique would work for me. I loved the idea of making money, networking and having fun while doing it.

LMCC- What do you think sets your boutique aside from others?

Sunny - I just go with how I'm feeling. I mostly like comfy items that you can dress up with heels but can also throw on my custom slides with and still not feel too dressed down.

LMCC - What celebrities would you like to see in a "Love Sunny" piece?

Sunny - At this moment, I would say Karruche, Draya, Nicki Minaj and any other girls bosses that are just fashionable. I really love the urban culture. I would also really love to style my boyfriend. I just wish he would give me creative control for a few of his outfits. Just to try to get him out of his comfort zone, a little bit. I actually would like to create a men line as well for all the male figures in my life.

LMCC - What celebrity do you consider a fashion icon?

Sunny - I would say Draya. I feel like she is very overlooked when it comes to fashion. She's just a girl who goes for it and does it effortlessly. From her hair to her outfits, she just always catches my attention everytime. I think she can make something as simple as Target, look good and that's what it is all about to me. Once you've mastered making anything look good, that's fashion. Not just a bunch of brands.

LMCC - How do you feel about the current epidemic of female entrepreneurs?

Sunny - OMG I’m so inspired. I'm even inspired by friends that have started their own brands. I feel our culture and era is really good at being creative and hands on. I don't think we deserve to work for anyone but ourselves. There's alot of females doing their thing but just to name a few, I'm mostly inspired by my sister Lauren (@editno9), my friend Erica (@shoptwenty6), Mimi (bareandnude), Heather (@reassemble) and this girl named Livi (@shop.ambitiousgirlss) that I would love to collaborate with one day.

LMCC- What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own boutique?

Sunny - Don’t listen to anyone. Follow your heart and do it for you. If you want to sell lashes, clothes, and hair.. do it. Right now we have time for trial and error. Do it for you and not just because it’s popular. Stay natural, pure and help others. Pray over your business and never give up.

LMCC- Where is your favorite place to shop?

Sunny - I use to love to shop at Zara, Top shop, Nordstrom and lots of online shops such as ASOS and river island. That was mostly during High School and College but once I started my own brand instead of spending my money on expensive jeans, I would invest that money into a set for my shop to sell.

LMCC - What do you think is the biggest "Fashion Don't"?

Sunny- Well I wouldn’t say a don’t, because Fashion to me is about expressing yourself in what your most comfy in. But I remember one time I wore a cute crop top with sleeves that had cuffs attached, nike leggings and my Givenchy boots. My boyfriend thought that was the most monkeyish sh*t, he's ever seen. But I still felt I looked cute. The top was white and the leggings and boots were black. I was comfy and still stylish but the shark boots and top gave it that sexy look. Maybe the fact that I had on work out leggings was a DONT to some but that’s what I was feeling. Although, my boyfriend didn't like the look, I got a number of compliments and later that night someone in the club's bathroom ordered my entire fit which made me feel confident in my sense of style. To me it’s wear that sh*t like you mean it and own it. There's never a don't.

LMCC- If you could sit down and have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Sunny - WOW. I would say Draya, just because in some way she lived a regular life like me. Despite of how she made a living, she’s creating content and branding her business every day. Her success wasn’t given to her. Also Nicole Lynell. She’s the epitome of boss bitch and definitely makes it happen. She shows us black girl magic everyday on Instagram. I also can't forget Milano DiRouge, she’s my sister in my head, she inspires me every day that’s it’s possible.

LMCC- If you had to choose between true love and your business reaching it's full potential, what would you choose?

Sunny - Girl don’t do that lol. You're going to hate me I would chose both. It all depends on your partner. My partner is very big on fashion. When I’m dressing to go out he lets me know my Dos and Dont’s. While picking pieces for my brand, he’s always giving me his honest opinion and even tells me things I should create. I get some of my sauce from him. Just a little though. But seriously, when I’m down and need to go to the drawing board, he’s heavily pushing me and giving me the motivation that I have potential to really be bigger then ever. And with us residing together and having our own life this means a lot because alot of men just don’t care. He 110% supports me and pushes me to my full potential. So I can’t just pick one.

LMCC - Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Sunny - I see myself providing styling services, actually making my own clothes, starting a line for my future child, getting into real estate and helping my partner pursue his dreams and clothing line.

LMCC - What is your ultimate goal?

Sunny - My goal is to flourish my brand, provide styling services. Eventually, I would like to somehow incorporate being a motivational women speaker to the youth whom want to start their own businesses and never work for corporate again.

Be Sure To Follow @__Sunnyyyyyy & @Shop.Lovesunny

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